Private Training
- 6 sessions (1.5 hours each) scheduled one week apart
Group Classes
Taught in a group setting of maximum eight client/dog teams. One hour per week for six consecutive weeks.
Please call for current classes!
Immersion Training (board and train)
Immersion training is a flexible program designed to work with a variety of behaviors from housebreaking, separation anxiety, socialization, defensive/offensive human aggression, leash reactivity, dog aggression and resource guarding. It is also a great way to establish a lifelong foundation for young dogs or give mature dogs a refresher and take their obedience to the next level. We are always happy to discuss your dogs behavior and recommend a program to best suit your needs.
Obedience commands
- Watch (make eye contact)
- Heel (walk on a loose leash by your side)
- Sit
- Down
- Stay
- Come (Recall)
- Place (go to designated place/bed and stay until released)
- Leave it
- Out (release object)
- Free (release command)
- No (correction word to mark undesired behavior)
- Yes (positive word to mark desired behavior)
Any commands may be added or altered at clients request.
Immersion Training includes:
- One hour consultation lesson/pick up. This is when we go over training goals and expectations.
- 3 to 6 weeks full time training (time frame based upon behavior issues and training goals)
- Weekly progress report
- 2 hour transition lesson at time of homecoming
- 2 one hour follow up lessons, scheduled one week apart.
CGC & TDI Testing Preparation
Interested in preparing with your dog for the Canine Good Citizen test or the Therapy Dog International test? We can evaluate your canine and prepare them for these goals as well as walk you through the requirements, step by step, to ensure that you both shine on testing day!
A fun and educational alternative to traditional kennel boarding.
- One training session and three play sessions daily
- Grooming on departure day
- Pick up/ drop off services can be arranged